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"So may we remember—again and again,
Who we are, and where we come from.
Sense, listen, give voice,
To the one within who truly knows."

၊၊||♫  Caroline S’Jegers ♫||၊၊

For we are learning to turn the tides...

Hi, I’m Caroline S’Jegers—visionary DJ, soulful poet, ceremony leader, and mentor for creators embracing authenticity, depth, and remembrance.


For years, I sensed a deep loneliness in this world. I looked around and saw that so much more was possible. I kept dreaming of a place where movement, stillness, and raw expression could come together — where we could simply be ourselves, without pretending or needing to be anyone different. 

And so, I embarked on a journey — first deep within myself, and then traveling to other cultures and communities. Through grief and joy, through cocooning and blooming, I discovered pathways that led me back to who I truly am. Along the way, I’ve held spaces for thousands of dancers, artists, change-makers, and those standing at a threshold —ready to remember and share their gifts with the world.


If you feel that call too, you’re not alone. 


As a dear friend once said to me: “It would be criminal not to share your gifts with the world.” We each have our own place in the circle, and life continuously teaches us that our deepest growth often happens in the rawest, quietest moments. I will walk beside you as you dive within — into deep listening, gentle unfolding, and quiet remembrance. To reflect. To feel what has always lived in your bones. 


I am here to support you in taking the next step, and it all begins by gently embracing the beauty and messiness of where you are. Because so much more is possible, and it starts right here — right now.


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Our gifts are not meant to be hidden—

they are meant to overflow.


When we quiet the noise,
our essence begins to rise—
sometimes messy, always real,
ready to be shared with the world.

Like a butterfly emerging from the cocoon,
you begin to take flight:
more alive, more you.

So let’s meet—

In the stillness, In the breath,

In the wild, beating heart of it all!

My offerings to you:

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So allow for your expression to pour out...

What if you could embrace your own unique path? What if you could listen to the wisdom within you and allow life’s unfolding process to guide you?

Transformation, like the moon’s cycles, is a journey—one that flows through pauses, discomfort, and growth. It’s in the quiet, hidden spaces where new beginnings take root. Through dance and movement, storytelling, constellation work, deep listening, and more, we take our time, gently allowing the hidden gems within you to reveal themselves.


Remember: Reconnect with what’s always been inside you. We take time to pause and listen... Can you hear the gentle whisperings within?

Deepen: Root into the present moment, while making space for your authentic expression to be heard​​​​​.

Express: Let your truth flow, so we can make space for your authentic expression to be heard.

Connect: Share your gifts with the world. As we listen to one another, we create space for healing, growth, and connection.

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Having walked this path myself... fumbling, stumbling, and finding my way again and again...

I’m here to support you as you gently step into your truth, embracing all the rawness and realness of who you are..


“Trust in her, for she weaves dreams into reality.
Thank you, Caroline, for guiding us home -
to our essence, to our purpose."

Hanna, Villa Hananda, Belgium

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Your place in the circle
Is inside of you and me

My place in the circle
Lives in true belonging

Our place in the circle
Has the capacity to flourish


My place in the circle...

What if dance could be a threshold—an invitation to remember?

What if music, woven from both sound and silence, could carry us across unseen landscapes, where we step into our own stories, shaping them with every breath, gesture, and word?


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In my journey, I’ve had the privilege of being part of a groundbreaking and heart-opening movement. When I began facilitating in 2011, I was drawn—almost instinctively—to the way music brings people back home to their bodies. I never intended to become the first female Ecstatic Dance DJ in Europe—I simply followed the calling. Back then, I didn’t even see myself as a DJ. What I did carry was a childhood dream: to create a space where people could feel free, connected, and wholly themselves. Music became the way in. The journey led to co-founding Ecstatic Dance Belgium, becoming part of the team at the legendary Club Lite in Amsterdam, and organising the first ED Leadership Training in Europe. What started as a small, intimate gathering soon grew into a flourishing movement—one where people from all backgrounds could meet, share their stories, and dance their truths. This journey has been wild, humbling, and profoundly alive—taking me across countries, communities, and inner landscapes I could have never imagined.


Over time, as I became a wife, a mother, and witnessed the shifting tides of the scene, I found myself listening more closely to what life was asking of me. The rhythm I had once poured so fully into my creations was calling for something different. I came to understand that true creative leadership doesn’t thrive under pressure. It flourishes when we allow space for the unknown to unfold. I started leaning into the messiness of transformation—learning to move with the ebb and flow of change, and allowing it to shape me from the inside out.​​​


My work now centers around honoring this process of becoming.


What guides me is a vision of bringing dance back to the land—co-creating brave and nurturing spaces where each choice becomes an act of reciprocity. 


In these gatherings, we come together to tend our relationship with all that is alive. Each movement, each gesture, becomes part of a wider weaving toward a more connected, inclusive world. 

One dance, one breath, one remembering at a time.

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Birthing a Forest

My debut album is OUT NOW!

A soulful fusion of spoken word and music, with 13 tracks and 13 guest musicians,
weaving together themes of birth, remembrance and the ever-widening circles of life.

“For we are lovers of the earth

Here to share tears and grow trees”

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​​For those who count:
I’ve held space for over 1,000 dances — from small circles to large festival crowds
That’s more than 3,000 hours of music, and close to 100,000 dancers.
My debut album, Birthing a Forest, is now listened to over 1,600 times each month —
a quiet ripple, reaching hearts around the world.
And still—it’s only just beginning.

Join the journey!


Connect, move, and create with me. Follow me on Instagram@carolinesjegers to be part of the music, movement, 

and stories we share together.

Follow me on Instagram

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